The composite laboratory combines elements of all three branches of Science –Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratory in one single room. It’s mainly used in schools till class 10th.The Science Lab is well equipped with furniture and apparatus related to the curriculum of the students. The Composite Lab provides facilities and opportunities for students of classes 6 to 10 in carrying out experiments and activities in all science subjects. The lab is fully equipped with apparatuses as per the syllabus. Under the guidance and supervision of the Science faculty, the students are encouraged to explore a new world of Science around them. The lab settings include spacious workstations to perform experiments with lenses and prisms for light experiments in optics, electricity etc, reagent shelves, sinks and water taps, bunsen burner, reagents and chemicals for experiments in chemistry, sufficient number of microscopes for slide preparations and observations, charts and models, specimens etc... Students get equal opportunity for developing their scientific skills and interests by following the principle of Learning by Doing.